Published On: Wed, May 13th, 2015

Bultaco Returns To Roads With Help From Consumer Loans

Bultaco Rapitan Sport

The new Bultaco Rapitan Sport

The former world champion Barry Sheen used to ride Bultaco bikes when he was in the peak of his career although after some time the company went off the motorcycle scene, but now they plan to return with style. With fresh cash flow and a new electric engine Spanish bike builders want to hit the road once again.

Chief Executive Officer of Bultaco Motors, Juan Manuel Vinos, said in an interview his company will be powered by two lenders to finance their future customers. “What happened in the crisis was that people lost the confidence to borrow, but that’s changing,” added Vinos, once customer loans specialist.

The European Central Bank announcement to stimulate the economy and engage Spanish banks to lend more credit came as great news for Bultaco’s plan. The government of Spain announced they have a sustainable plan on how to provide steady annual growth of 3 percent up to 2018 and secured more available credit for average households.

Slowly but surely Spanish banks and lenders are encouraged to invest more into consumer loans which have much higher interest rates than other credit types. With lower interest rates and a growing economy, business becomes more appealing.

The first lender to step up to the plate and get closer to their customers was Bankinter and right after them Banco Santander made a partnership with Peugeot Citroen for auto financing.

Data provided by the National Association of Two-Wheeled Sector Companies showed sales of bikes in Spain rose 18 percent in the first quarter of the year. A new financing plan seems to be the main reason for that. This strategy is also key to the revival of Bultaco who was closed in 1983.

Bultaco was found in Barcelona in 1958 by PacoBulto and it was specialized in making two stroke motorcycles. Bulto’s successors feel very confident about the new opportunity for the company and are very supportive to follow through his dream. “Bultaco means passion for motorcycles in competition and also for life,” said Vinos, also a proud owner of a BultacoAlpina bike.

The first model that is being produced is called the Brinco and it will be powered with combined technology of a battery and pedals and it already has 130 pre-sale orders. The factory is also working on another model called the Rapitan which will be completely battery powered.

The main reason for the company’s downfall in the first place was a rapid increase in competition after the end of Franco’s rule in Spain in 1975. The new perspective based on help from banks is keeping them motivated with the hope of getting back on top.

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