Published On: Thu, May 7th, 2015

iPhone 6 Plus Leads Sales On “Phablet” Market

iPhone 6 & iPhone 6+

The iPhone 6 compared to the iPhone 6+ which has been nicknamed a Phablet.

The smartphone market nowadays offers various options for its users trying to satisfy different needs of people. Variations offered are focused on things like the camera, price, available memory and display size. For people who use their phone for visual content and need it to be clear and detailed more and more choose phablet products.

In general phablets are defined as smartphones with screen size of 5.5 inches or more. To some these models look too big and impractical, but the fact is phablets have taken a good share of sales in the last 2 years.

The first quarter report just came out and phablets took a 21 percent share in smartphone sales, which is a huge jump comparing this to the same period last year when this number was just a bit over 6 percent.

Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus with its 5.5 inch display led sales of the newly termed phablet segment with a total 44 percent in sales. This number is equal to the percentage of people who are using iOS in the US, but it’s a great deal for Apple since the company has only one phablet model comparing to various models available on the Android platform.

The iPhone 6 Plus was introduced last October and it is the first attempt of the company to enter the big screen market. As Apple offered two models last year they managed to regain territory that they lost against Android operated smartphones, especially Samsung’s models. The fact is that Samsung is still holding the biggest market share in smartphone sales however their rule is endangered by new Apple’s model.

Mobile operators AT&T, Verizon and Sprint reported a jump in their iPhone sales where Apple took 59 percent, 43 percent and 50 percent of all smartphone sales respectively, whilst Samsung dominates sales in T-Mobile with a 42 percent share.

If we look at the numbers showing how many new users the biggest smartphone rivals have for this quarter this also sways towards Apple’s side again. The amount of people who jumped from Android to iOS for this quarter is 11.4 percent, while only 5.9 percent of people decided to switch their iOS device for an Android one. Comparing this to last year Apple’s numbers are 3 percent lower, but Android’s are over 5 percent lower, putting them in a tough spot.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said in a report that his company experienced the biggest switch rate to their OS, but he was referring to the global market, which is actually true, since the number of people using the iPhone in Europe has rapidly grown thanks to the new 6 models.

If we look at the US numbers only 18 percent of iPhone users have the latest models. Since 64 percent of owners have a series 5 model it won’t be strange if most of them switch to new ones soon enough making the future outlook for Apple continuously positive.

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