Published On: Fri, Apr 24th, 2015

New Dispute Between The EU and Russia

Alexander Zaldostanov

Alexander Zaldostanov, leader of the Night Wolves, nicknamed “the Surgeon”.

The Night Wolves, president Putin’s favorite biker club in Russia is planning to hit the road to commemorate the Soviet victory in World War II touring the whole of Eastern Europe all the way to Berlin. Their official web site announced they are planning to follow the entire Red Army route through the ex-Soviet bloc, Poland and Germany. The trip will last for 15 days and it will end on May 9th in Berlin.

The plan of the Night Wolves has caused a disturbance in many countries of Europe. Politicians and activists think this will only tighten an already tense relation between Russia and the EU. Some politicians believe this is the worst period Russia has seen since the Cold War and many of them consider this biker group as terrorists.

In Poland there is already a petition to stop the bikers going through their country on the trip. “It won’t be right for moral reasons due to our solidarity with Ukraine, as well as politically, as this could provoke actions that would then be used by the Putin propaganda machine,” said the Open Dialogue Foundation spokesman Bartozs Kramek.

The leader of the Night Wolves, Aleksandr Zaldostanov, also known as The Surgeon is in charge of 5000 bikers. He is well known for his involvement in the annexation of Crimea and for organizing Anti-Maidan, a group who opposed pro-EU protestors in Kiev last year.

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