Published On: Tue, Apr 7th, 2015

Murder Charges Against Police Officer In South Carolina


Scenes of the shooting have spread online. Michael Slager, the police officer pictured on the right.

A South Carolina police officer was arrested after a video of him shooting 50 year-old Walter Scott eight times in the back flooded the internet. The video shows Scott running away after a traffic stop and the police officer then shooting him without any obvious reason.

The footage shows Michael Slager, the police officer, returned after cuffing, already dead Walter Scott, to pick up an object from the ground and he planted it underneath Scott’s feet. According to his report, Scott took his stun gun from him before he started running, but in the video it’s impossible to see anything in Scott’s hands.

This is just another case that shook the U.S. and rose the question of race when it comes to police treatment.

Both the FBI and the US Justice Department launched charges against 33 year-old Michael Slager.

Right after the murder happened people gathered to protest against South Carolina’s Police Department and show support for Scott’s family. His brother said in a public speech that he does not think that all police officers are bad, but also, no one deserves to die the way his brother did.

Mayor of North Charleston, Keith Summey, said in an official statement that Slager was terribly wrong and that he will pay for what he has done. “If you make a bad decision, I don’t care if you’re behind the shield or just a citizen on the street, you have to live by that decision,” he said.

The incident occurred on Sunday, after Slager stopped Scott for a broken brake light. What happened afterwards was more than brutal.

National Action Network’s president, Elder James Johnson, asked community to stay calm and he pointed out that this is not happening every day, but he also asked in his statement “What if there was no video? What if there was no witness or hero to come forward?”

The family of late Walter Scott is planning to file a civil rights suit against the Police Department and the city.

North Charleston is home to 100,000 people and almost 50 percent of them are black, but on 18 percent of Police Department officers are black.

Slager was never before disciplined by the Department, but there was a complaint filed against him when in 2013 a man accused him for shooting him with a stun gun without any reason.

The police officer has already had his first hearing and if he is found guilty at the end of the trial he is looking at 30 years to life sentence.

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