Microsoft Goes For Android And iPhone Apps
The CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella revealed on Wednesday some of his riskiest plans yet as his new goal is to try and win back software developers to write new apps for Microsoft’s Windows operating system.
This decision seemed next to impossible just a few years ago, Microsoft has stated that its plan is to make new tools which will allow developers to easily transfer apps to phones which operate on Windows OS and to focus on the apps that were originally written for Androids and Apple iPhones. The company created software for writing apps by using its cloud service Azure and Windows also for those developers who work on computers running on Linux and Apple operating systems.
“We want to make sure we build bridges for you,” said Nadella during the company’s annual conference for developers in San Francisco. Windows phones remain dwindling at the margins of the Smartphone market with a low share of about 3%, and this is mostly because of the lack of popular and fresh apps. If the new effort of Nadella succeeds and the company closes the gap of apps there may be a lot more people willing to use Windows phones and many other Windows devices, making more developers turn to Windows. However there is a certain risk that developers might see fewer reasons to turn to Windows software to write apps that will take advantage of their unique features. An app written for an Android user that is transported to Windows is very likely to still work better on Android. One of the biggest advantages Microsoft had in the desktop PC era was the huge amount of developers which were focused on Windows. But today the majority of cutting edge software is written for Google’s and Apple’s operating systems.
Since taking over as CEO during February of 2014, Nadella was trying to shake up Microsoft’s business strategy which revolves around Windows. One of his previous decisions was offering Microsoft’s Office software for Apple and Android phones. The company also stated that they plan on making a new web browser which will replace the outdate internet explorer. The name of the new browser will be Microsoft Edge and many analysts are saying that it was about time Microsoft did this. However the company is still depending on the profits and revenue that come from its disappearing Windows PC computer franchise.