Possible Disturbance Of Peace In Asia

The development of the artificial islands has been designed to give the Chinese navy and air force a far greater reach and make patrolling the South China Sea much easier.
The South China Sea has been disputed for years now and its maritime territory is still not clear to most. Recently China’s action and its island building initiative caused its neighbors to react.
Southeast Asian leaders discussed this matter at a summit held on Monday and they came to an agreement that what China is doing can disturb peace, security and stability in the region. Fear of a possible total Chinese seaway control rose serious concerns among the members from Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei which claim some parts is theirs.
The sea is rich with energy reserves and it is a great fishery resource, both being a high priority for these nations and their world trades as well. Beijing officials do not want to discuss this matter saying that most of the sea is indisputable.
The size of the project is massive and it’s growing faster than anyone expected. China’s plan to build an artificial island turned what seemed like a small reef last year when they began working on it into something that is taking shape of a airstrip and harbor.
But this is not the only place where China is taking over the sea since there are several more sites doing the same giving China further control of the sea.
Philippine’s foreign secretary asked the block to stand up to China and ask for an immediate end of the reclamation process they are conducting.
Malaysia which currently holds the rotation chair of ASEAN would not agree to confront China’s leaders saying that both sides should find a positive and constructive way to deal with the situation.
Although unity should be the first principle of any organization or group, each country member of ASEAN has its own goals and interests which are stopping the reaction against China on behalf of its members. China is the richest country in the region and it is a strategic partner to most of the ASEAN members which protects it from more serious attacks.
In addition, not all countries of ASEAN have a maritime problem with China, meaning they don’t want to get involved in a matter that is not directly affecting their countries. The most affected are Vietnam and the Philippines which has both had serious confrontations at sea with China, some of them in recent years.