Published On: Thu, Apr 16th, 2015

Ukrainian Forces To Be Trained By US Army

US Troops In Ukraine

Soldiers defend against a mock attack at their training camp near Yavoriv, Ukraine.

US army website confirmed that around three hundred of American paratroopers arrived to Ukraine to train their forces for war situations. Members of 173rd Airborne Brigade will be the ones teaching National Guard of Ukraine which is assembled reservist forces which were called back to service last year.

Moscow officials are not happy with this news and in their words any involvement of a third party in this conflict will just destabilize the current situation in the east of the Ukraine and not help it. They’ve accused the US for starting the conflict as they were the ones backing the protest which brought down President Viktor Yanukovych last year.

After Yanukovych’s downfall and Russian’s annexation of Crimea, pro-Russian separatists started the conflict in the east of Ukraine which has taken more than 6000 lives up to now.

Accusations have been flying around almost every day. The West is blaming Russia for sending soldiers to fight with rebels, while Russia is saying that western countries led by the United States are financing Ukrainian military equipment.

The warring sides agreed to cease fire in February, but conflict is still present.

The training mission which will start within a few days was tasked by the Ukrainian government. The name of the mission is Operation Fearless Guardian and it will include war fighting situations, sustained training of soldiers and psychological training that will help troops to stay professional and focused during crisis situations.

Training will last for six months and during that time 900 members of Ukraines National Guard will take part.

The first American paratroopers have already arrived in Ukraine while the rest are expected by April 20 when the official ceremony training will start.

The American brigade that will conduct this training has already worked with Ukrainian forces in other European countries and in Ukraine during Rapid Trident field training last September.

Russian officials opposed Britain and Canada this week also, since both countries decided to help the Ukrainian cause. Britain sent 75 troops, while Canada sent 200 trainers to Ukraine.

OSCE monitors warned US President Barak Obama for his decision to send weapons and other military equipment to Ukraine since there were a lot of cease fire irregularities. In the last incident six soldiers were killed and one journalist was heavily injured.

One of the strongest allies to the US, Germany, also asked Obama not to do anything since they consider this move will not bring peace, but only more bloodshed.

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