Published On: Fri, Apr 10th, 2015

War In Ukraine Is Still Far From Over

Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko is a pro-Russian separatist leader, who is the current head of state and Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed state and a rebel group Donetsk People's Republic,

Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko, the head of state and Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed rebel group Donetsk People’s Republic,

It has been quite some time since the flame in Ukraine started burning. Accusations were thrown from both sides, who started first, why and how everything is going on in the Donbass region.

Leader of the pro-Russian separatist group, Alexander Zakharchenko, is officially saying that he is not done with what he started. In a recent interview he gave for AFP, Zakharchenko, he accused Kiev for breaking the truce and said there is a high possibility that his forces will go back to war.

Donetsk People’s Republic head added in his interview that his rebel army will have to go back to hostile behavior if peaceful methods don’t work the way he wants. In his words, Ukrainian regular army took some of the most important cities from him, and if Kiev doesn’t agree to return them, force will be used to reclaim what is theirs.

War in Ukraine has already taken 6000 lives, and by the truce signed in Belarussian capital Minsk both sides agreed to give away usage of tanks, heavy artillery, rocket launchers and ceasefire.

Zakharchenko doesn’t seem interested in victims and peaceful methods. He is wearing military, camouflage uniform all the time, his office is decorated with Putin’s picture, orthodox icons and his cell phone is ringing to the tune of the former USSR anthem.

In his opinion Minsk agreement is not well written and he and his supporters have completely different perspectives about it from Kiev. He said “After that we would be autonomous and entertain ties with Ukraine as we see fit. I understand that in Kiev their interpretation of these agreements is totally different to ours.”

His main argument is that Ukraine has to change its constitution and “return” occupied territories of newly formed Donetsk People’s Republic. He is hoping that he will reach his goals by the end of the year, meaning that the constitution of Ukraine will be reformed and DPR will be proclaimed as the official state, with two main centers Lugansk and Donetsk.

He also gave the answer to Kiev’s main issue, border control “Why should Ukraine control the border? Our border guards will control it, in line with the Minsk accords”, he said.

By the end of the conversation he denied allegations that Russia is helping him with manpower and equipment. He said that there is Russian men fighting for him, but they are all volunteers that share his idea and love for the USSR.

He added that the USSR was the greatest country ever and that it was a huge mistake of politicians who allowed the CIA and other secret services to destroy it. “Europe and other nations deeply feared it,” he finished.

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